
El hostal los pinos are located at km 10.5 of the st. Conil, Barbate (A2233) to the height of Zahara, the right edge of the roadway.

36º 12' 03" N ----------- 06º 02' 07" W

Taxi : 956431084 y 696966685

Bus: The nearest bus stop is 150 meters alert the driver (stop ZAHORA-Alhambra). www.tgcomes.com

Rail: The nearest train stations are San Fernando and Algeciras are at 35km and 55 km respectively. www.renfe.com

plane : Jerez : 70 km – 50 min. | Gibraltar : 105km - 1:30min | Sevilla : 145km - 1:45min | Malaga : 220km - 2:45min


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Los Pinos
Los mejores (Hostal) en Caños de Meca

Cta Caños de Meca Km 10,5 / Caños de Meca / Cádiz / Costa de Luz
Tlf : +34956437153 | Email : info@hostalospinos.com